Sunday, March 28, 2010

Producer porn

To be honest...I only started believing in headphones last year when I started my sound engineering. I was born again and clensed this year after I bought these headphones, the SENNHEISER HD201s. Don't listen to what ever anyone else tells you..these are (as much as I hate to say it)AYOBA!! So whats da deal with headphones in general? Well, the thing is that sometimes we as starting producers don't have enough money to buy studio moniters to mix on. Good headphones are the next best thing to mix with. The SENNHEISER HD201s give quite a flat frequency response. This means that you don't hear too much bass or too much treble etc. What you do hear is what the engineers of the song intended for you to hear when they made the song. I must say tho that with some songs there seemed to be a lot more frequencies in the 1-2Khz region although that may have been those songs. Thats my only functional complaint. Looks and durability are a Pass though. the 201s will set you back R500 but no need to stress cause as long as you treat them right they will last you a while. If you happen to buy a pair comment on what you think bout em....
till then, KEEP MAKING that MUSIC

1 comment:

  1. I like, i like, i love bra.
    I also want a pair....bye bye R500
