Sunday, March 28, 2010

Producer porn

To be honest...I only started believing in headphones last year when I started my sound engineering. I was born again and clensed this year after I bought these headphones, the SENNHEISER HD201s. Don't listen to what ever anyone else tells you..these are (as much as I hate to say it)AYOBA!! So whats da deal with headphones in general? Well, the thing is that sometimes we as starting producers don't have enough money to buy studio moniters to mix on. Good headphones are the next best thing to mix with. The SENNHEISER HD201s give quite a flat frequency response. This means that you don't hear too much bass or too much treble etc. What you do hear is what the engineers of the song intended for you to hear when they made the song. I must say tho that with some songs there seemed to be a lot more frequencies in the 1-2Khz region although that may have been those songs. Thats my only functional complaint. Looks and durability are a Pass though. the 201s will set you back R500 but no need to stress cause as long as you treat them right they will last you a while. If you happen to buy a pair comment on what you think bout em....
till then, KEEP MAKING that MUSIC

Monday, March 22, 2010

Yamaha RY-10

This is an ancient DRUM MACHINE and I'm fortunate enough to have laid my hands on one through "inheritance". Compared to the DRUM MACHINES out there today this one is useless! So why do I, and so many other people out there, love and treasure it so much? Its great for lacing ideas as you get them. It has an easy to use interface with both step sequence recording and real-time recording. You only have three goups of sounds to choose from: Drum, Perc and Bass. In the drum and perc group you have up to a combined number of 90+ sounds to choose from when creating something. The bass will only offer 12 'bass' sounds though. Its super portable and can run on either six AA sized batteries or from a DC adapter on your mains. Being so old its sounds are also very edgey and 8-16bit sounding. Great for making music with an old school feel or just to phatten up modern drum, perc or bass sounds. Anything that you make can be stored onboard the machine in one of fifty pattern storage slots. These patterns in the slots can be linked up using the 'SONG' function to make tull length songs ready for playback. You are also given 'Fill-in' storeage slots to store any fill-ins you program onto the machine. These add quite the spicee to any composition. Things aren't all good though. As composers we can tend to get carried away in our creativity when programing music and its frustrating that the RY-10 is limited to Drums, Perc, and Bass. You can never create a detailed flawless track on it and on many occasions, because of its limited sounds and quantizing abilities, have failed to transfer a musical idea on to the RY-10. it a must have? No! Its a nice to have. If you have extra money you'd like to spend on a good cheap old Drum machine this is the best investment to make. If on the other hand you are still trying to establish yourself and your studio save your money and buy something that you really need.

"that-boy" looks back

The past year was quite the year. First year sound engineering student, running a blog, and being in cape town. I'm doing a little reflection now seeing as its a new year. (even though being three months into da new year is a bit late) I do alot of reflecting when making music as well. I critisise my musical pieces and try to make every new piece of the one before WORKS! Well so far so good. If your not doing it yet its bout time you started. Talking bout reflecting, I learnt what to do and what not to do, with regard to the blog and posting on it, so this year things should run a little smoother. This year imma be focussing alot on 'studio equipment' and how it works and why it would be a good idea to invest or not invest in it. I'm excited! Thanks for da support...and provided that you have proof of your support imma put you on da thank you sleeve of all CDs. Lol...jokes fellas.
on da real though thank you for taking time out to read this.
