Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Copyright 102

So you’ve reduced your work to tangible format and Officially dated it and by law (South African Copyright Law….which should apply everywhere cause copyright is copyright) the work and all its rights belong to you as the author. Although you have now copy written your work it probably still doesn’t feel right…I mean, how do you keep track of who is using your material and ensure that you get royalties accordingly. There are two ways to get this done.
1) You do it your self. This means that whenever your track is used by someone other than you, you make the effort to contact them to claim any money you entitled to and to ensure you have been credited accordingly.
2) An administrative deed of assignment. This means that you register your work to a Company that manages your material in terms of making sure you are credited and paid for every use of your material. They take on the responsibilities you’d have to under go yourself….AT A FEE OF COURSE. A relatively small fee though. They do a better job that you could probably do by yourself trying to head hunt everyone who was due to credit and pay you for usage of work.
Oh yeah there is a third way too….as unpractical as it may be to some of us.
3) A SHYLOCK!! If you have the money and know a SHYLOCK who has a clear understanding of entertainment law you could hire them to ensure you receive everything you are entitled to. Probably give them a handy cam to take some footage of certain stubborn offenders…

“that~boy” © (in case any of you wanna thug my very AYOBAARRRR name…niggas!!)

Goota keep it going?

Recently I was ask if I still get “that feeling” when I finish a beat or working on a project….Yes I do. The question that followed was how I keep the passion alive. My feeling is this…just like anything else, whether it’s a relationship, a skill or a hobby (for example you are a good soccer player, seeing as it is the soccer season) you need to focus some of your efforts on nurturing and developing this relationship, skill or hobby. Keep yourself interested, practise, share your love/interest with someone (although I don’t recommend this where the relationship is concerned). What I find works for me is listening to other peoples work and comparing it to mine, applying techniques that work to my future pieces. Checking out composing styles on videos on Youtube. Buying new equipment, new refills, new sounds and collaborations!! I honestly feel that if you truly enjoy what ever it is you are doing though these things should come naturally but seeing as people aren’t the same try these things if you struggle to keep the feeling going.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

My Spirit

Have a listen to the embeded track...What do you think

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Copyright 101

So you've made your music and it sounds great....now what!? Its a question I've asked myself a couple of times. From here its either you do one of two things: Sell your music or use it! You can do this by recording an artist, selling to an artist, sending in a demo to a record label, handing your music over to an influential person in the industry or anything in effect of getting ahead in your craft. What if the person you're depending on STEALS your work? truth is we ALL get screwed at some point or the other. Sometimes its petty and an experience you can forget but other times its up the ass with a grater and no lubrication. So how do you protect yourself?
1)Establish copyright....its actually very easy....no formalities involved(and this applies to everything, not just music) Transfer your work to tangible format, and give it an official date. Make sure it is your work else you are probably breaking copyright law yourself
2)Always find out what the influential person or label is doing with your music, Make it your business to know. if they have a problem with that....
3) If you get screwed, you at least know that your work is good. MAKE something knew and approach your success differently
Goodluck getting out there people